ISLP - Gym November 13, 2019
Parent/Teacher Conferences (1st, 4th, 7th)

Parent/Teacher Conferences 1st, 4th, 7th

ISLP - Gym November 18, 2019
Parent/Teacher Conferences (3rd, Upper)

Parent/Teacher Conferences 3rd, Upper

ISLP - Gym November 14, 2019
Parent/Teacher Conferences (2nd, 8th)

Parent/Teacher Conferences 2nd, 8th

Riserva naturale November 22, 2019
ISLP In the Woods

0900 – Students meet at the reserve. Dismissal is at 1600. Parents may pick up their students earlier (please notify the school no later than Thursday, 14 November). First update…

ISLP November 12, 2019
The Giochi D’Autunno – Math games

The Giochi D’Autunno Math games are scheduled for the 12th of November – at 920.

ISLP November 8, 2019
AP Exams, 2019

AP Exams –  Academic Year 2019-2020

ISLP October 28, 2019

Please see the post for the CELI information.

ISLP March 15, 2019
Anti-bullying week

Friday (15/03/2019) we are celebrating our INTERNATIONAL DAY against bullying. Read more…

Gym November 16, 2018
Parent/Teacher Conferences, Upper School

Dear Parents, The following information for the Parent/Teacher Conferences is provided below. Students will remain in their classes during the conferences. Once parents have completed their conferences, they may request…

Gym November 15, 2018
Parent/Teacher Conferences, 6th/7th/8th Grades

Dear Parents, The following information for the Parent/Teacher Conferences is provided below. Students will remain in their classes during the conferences. Once parents have completed their conferences, they may request…