State School S.Pizzi - Piazza Umberto I - 81043 Capua (CE). March 21, 2015

We would like to inform you that the semi-final of the  “Mathematical Games” will be held Saturday, March 21, 2015 at the State School S.Pizzi – Piazza Umberto I – 81043…

New York City, New York, USA March 24, 2015
UN GAMES New York City

A group of motivated students are on their way to New York City for the UN Games.  The adventure begins on 17 March when the students will be flying to…

ISLP Campus March 19, 2015
Book Fair

We are pleased to announce that on Thursday, 19 March from 9:00 am to 16:00 pm we will be hosting a Book Fair. The Book Fair is open to all classes from…

ISLP Campus March 13, 2015
History Day

13-19 March 2015 What is History Day, you ask? Each year we organize our students to participate in this event. Classes choose a historical topic related to the grade level…

ISLP Campus January 30, 2015
Open Day

The first step in the application process is typically visiting the school. The School invites all prospective families considering ISLP for the upcoming academic year to contact Reception (info@internationalschool.it) to…

ISLP Campus December 15, 2014
Christmas Project

  The Elementary students have been working very hard on our Christmas Project – “PROVVIDENZA BUONA SPERANZA“. Please join us in celebrating the holidays with an event that will be…